May 19, 2004

shrek 2 rocks da house

The fredshouse crew went over to PDI/DreamWorks tonight to see Shrek 2, and w00t, it rocked! You can go read the reviews if you like, they are mostly very positive, but take my advice and go see it this weekend. If you're a fan of CG animation, if you like pop culture and insider jokes, if you like to laugh, you'll like the show mucho.

The visual style of the movie is sumptuous, very painterly in its color palette and scenic textures. Rich detail is everywhere, from the large crowd scenes to the shops and mansions of Far Far Away. The CG work pushes the frontier of realism ahead substantially, especially in the use of hair/fur and liquids. Watch for Puss in Boots' orange tabby coat, and the scenes of ocean waves and rain-drenched characters, for example. And when Shrek bellows at Donkey, you can see Donkey's fur blow backward in the breeze; it's subtle, but you can definitely see it happening if you're paying attention. With this level of visual sophistication, it's no surprise that the movie consumed over 12 million hours of CPU time. What a graphics geekfest this movie is!

I'm going to have to go back again this weekend, just to try to catch all the sly references to pop culture and the entertainment business. Tonight I picked up explicit winks and nods to a pile of other movies, including Lord of the Rings, From Here to Eternity, Beverly Hills Cop, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Zorro, Ghostbusters, Mission Impossible, Spiderman, and quite possibly Terminator 2 and Star Wars. Not to mention all the Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Magic Kingdom allusions, puns and assorted foolery.

UPDATE: Saw it again Saturday. Add Alien, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, and oh sly, sly, Shark Tale ;-D

And was that actually Tom Waits I heard?

And Larry King?

And catnip?

[Disclosure: I'm biased. But it's still a great show. Go see.]

Posted by Gene at May 19, 2004 11:59 PM | TrackBack

plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz send me a shrek 2

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